Life Is Short


“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.”

– Gerard Way

Here’s the reality. Life is short. How short? No one knows. You are given no guarantees of next year, next month or even tomorrow. Treasure every moment, every day you get and GIVE IT YOUR ALL. Leave no regrets on this earth and make sure your legacy is a great one.


I love motivational quotes. Motivational quotes can help you reach your potential each and every day. I mean yeah, they’re just words. But they’re POSITIVE words. And sometimes they can be the exact words you need to read to keep going.

I hope that these motivational quotes will give you the jumpstart your day needs. I post them daily on Instagram so feel free to follow me!

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Crypto Enthusiast and Aspiring Day Trader. Also Passionate about Family, Love, Life, Movies and Video Games. And Pets.

Motivate With Nate
Motivate With Nate

I love motivational quotes. Motivational quotes can help you reach your potential each and every day. I mean yeah, they’re just words. But they’re POSITIVE words. And sometimes they can be the exact words you need to read to keep going.

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