Stacks (STX) formed bullish Gartley for upto 14% move

By moon333 | moon333 | 9 May 2021

Hi friends, hope you are well and welcome to the new update on the Stacks ( STX ) coin.
Recently we had a nice trade of STX:



On the 12-hour chart, the price action of the STX with Bitcoin pair has completed the final leg of the Gartley pattern .



Buying and sell targets:
The buying and sell targets as per the Fibonacci sequence of the Gartley pattern should be:
Buy between: 0.00003668 to 0.00003529 btc

Sell between: 0.00003777 to 0.00004040 btc

Stop loss:
The maximum extent of the potential reversal zone to 0.00003529 btc can be used as stop loss.

Possible profit and loss ratio:
As per the above targets, this trade has a profit possibility up to 14% and a loss possibility is 4%.

Please play the chart before following the idea to check whether it is still valid or not. If you can't play the chart then you need atleast a free account on tradingview, you can use below link to join:

Note: Above idea is for educational purpose only. It is advised to diversify and strictly follow the stop loss, and don't get stuck with trade.


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