Worker Cash Make Money Watching Videos

Why Worker Cash Is Better Than Payup - Paid To Watch Videos

By rbailey83 | Money Earners Online | 14 Nov 2023

Back in September, I wrote a post Easy Way To Make Money Watching Videos which talked about two sites that offered you a way to make money by watching videos. After having time to test out both I wanted to discuss why Worker Cash is better than the Payup site.

I was testing both services using an Android phone using their approved macro app with the macro setup you can download from both sites. While you will level up faster with the Payup site, allowing you to earn more per video watched, I was earning faster with the Worker Cash site. It took a while to figure out why as once the macro program is running I don't pay much attention to the phone.

the Payup site has a mixture of 10-second and 20-second videos. There are quite a few 20-second videos and the payout for the 20-second videos are only a fraction more than the 10-second videos. So you spend double the time on videos with only a fraction more in earnings. I noticed that about 9 out of 10 videos would be 20 seconds long. 

While this was not the case all the time, it was frequent enough to drastically slow down how long it took to earn with the Payup site.

On the other hand, the Worker Cash site is all 10-second videos. It does take quite a while to level up. I am only at level 4, almost level 5, earning 11% vs 29% on Payup, but I earn much faster with Worker Cash using the Android phone and automating the video watching.

Both sites, when using the automation with an Android device, will vibrate when the human verification comes up so if you have your phone resting on your leg or near you, you will know when you need to do the human verification. Otherwise, you can leave your phone to run without paying much attention to it.

Another bonus to earning faster with Worker Cash is the daily bonus. Payup does offer a bonus but it is slightly different and you're not likely to get a daily bonus. 

With Payup you earn tickets per video watched. At the end of the day, winners are randomly selected for a bonus. So this means you could go for days or longer without ever receiving a bonus for watching videos.

On the other hand, with Worker Cash, you have the opportunity to earn some money every day depending on how many videos you watch. As you level up you will need to watch more videos to claim the minimum and maximum bonus. The first time I noticed this change was when I reached level 4. The amount of videos I could watch per hour and per day increased as did the bonus requirements. Right now at level 4, the minimum bonus claim is 400 videos for $0.002 and the maximum bonus claim is 1,150 videos for $0.015.

This is easily done before the daily reset.

Obviously, this is not a method that will allow you to get rich quickly. However, if you're not using your phone or other Android device, it is worth it to throw on the automated macro app and earn some extra money. To date, with Worker Cash, I have earned $10.04, which I have withdrawn to DOGE and converted to BTC. 

With Payup, to date I have earned $7.10, again doing the same with the withdraws as with Worker Cash.

Both sites have always paid out and the payout is within 72 hours. However, with Worker Cash, after reaching level 5, payouts are instant. 

I don't use my phone for much other than communication and don't do a lot of texting. So I let the automation run, stopping it when I need to use my phone. I don't use it all the time. On days when I have watched the max videos for Worker Cash, I will switch over to the Payup until Worker Cash resets.

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