Coinbase Rewards - give it time

By By sea and land | Modern living | 28 Dec 2021

Coinbase Rewards


I have been getting coinbase rewards for quite some time the total amount I have received is $102. But, that was what the value was when it was paid. It is now worth significantly more now. 

My First coinbase reward was XLM and BAT. I received a total of 159.30 at the time XLM was worth £0.099 and the total amount was worth £15.77.


At the time of writing that is now worth £34.10. I sold my XLM and brought a really bad token safemoon I then sold that and brought 0.182 BNB that is gaining now interest on Nexo. So for a few minutes of my time I now have $100 worth of BNB.


I received a total 8.82 BAT at the time BAT was worth just £0.27.


The total value of the rewards at the time was just £2.37. At the time of writing it was worth £8.62. 


As you can see from the above examples the rewards may not be that good at the time but, if you wait a while the value can increase significantly. If you decide to sell and trade your free coins the potential  profits 📈  that could be made or lost are huge.

I get invited for coinbase rewards most months and the 3 minutes of my time ⏲ I spend watching the videos is well worth it. The BAT that I received works out to be £2.87 per minute. So the hourly rate would be over £172 an hour depending on when you sell it or £16.20 an hour at the time.

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By sea and land
By sea and land

Normal person who loves linguistics and travel. I have a passion for sailing and being on the water. I love to travel overland or by sea. I have been making money online since 2005.

Modern living
Modern living

Living and travelling in the modern world.

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