What's Mitosis Silently Cooking? Game Of Mito Review!

By PVM | Mind Puzzle | 12 Jan 2025

Let's start with the basics! Mitosis is like the next-level liquidity protocol for modular blockchains, aiming to be the liquidity powerhouse for a ton of DeFi protocols. This means more capital efficiency and, yes, juicy yields for those who jump in early.

Mitosis is essentially going to serve as an orderbook relayer for DeFi apps, using an intents-based approach, kind of like what we’ve seen with bridges like Across. I am grinding points but not at an accelerate pace, as PVM is hunting too many airdrops recently and the funds are low! 

The testnet went live, and there’s a dedicated allocation of $MITO for users! Mitosis actually got a clear distribution plan, showing exactly how many MITO points you can rack up.

I joined late for the game, and I didn't farmed as much as I wanted. One day I opened the page and seen that the Game of MITO has come to an end! Morse is cooking something... probably nothing! Who's Morse? The Dog?


You’re probably wondering how XP and $MITO were connected? The more you level up and stack XP, the more $MITO you can earn. The tiers started from Bronze and all the way to Diamond, with each tier split into three grades.

It was all about climbing those ranks and stacking rewards as you level up. Was like a game within a game, but with real crypto rewards on the line. Late but not that late, as I managed to climb to Gold 3, and get some nice gear to my dog! Will be cool if this will be moved to mainnet and I can have it as a pfp NFT! Are you reading this Mitosis team? 


Few days later I seen a tweet from an airdrop hunter dude, telling people to check the $MITO rank in the Game Of Mito. Lots of disclaimers in there, such as "this rank for MITO holdings only" or "this rank is not official", but at least it gave me an idea of how efficient I was at the game.

My MITO rank was 10,049 and my $MITO holdings were 489, which is not that bad considering the 300,000 participants. My hustle took my in the top 3.73% of the players, and hopefully I secured a juicy airdrop! 


Residual Income:

Claim your Zerion XP

Airdrop Hunting: Layer3 / Mode / Linea / Zerion 

Lisk: https://portal.lisk.com/airdrop with code : OHbgua

Content: Publish0x & Hive 

Play2Earn: Splinterlands & Holozing 

Cashback Cards: GnosisPay & Plutus 

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