Numerals, overalls and other advices


A thousand days,

a thousand ways

To make it right,

even at night.

What a sight?

Being in awe,

sunrise or sunset,

All that you get,

all that you do,

It's not about you,

my little Boo.

We are meant to fly

high in the sky,

We are meant to dream,

to walk to the rim

of the world.

Or so I was told.

A thousand years journey

start one day indeed,

One step is all you need

to do, my little Boo.

A thousand worlds to visit,

future or past,

should be possible,

If you change your 'want' to 'must'

What a blast!


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I am a writer, gamer, healthcare professional. I am.

Mihalache George Catalin - Author
Mihalache George Catalin - Author

George Catalin Mihalache published his first book in 2015, his 30 years work into poetry, called 'Indescriptible'. available only in the Romanian language. He is also working on few other books and published about subjects related to short fantasy stories, biochemistry, diet, nutrition, memory enhancing techniques and impostor syndrome. After a couple of published books related to macrobiotics, he is trying to come back to his first love, fantasy short stories.

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