Photo by ANGELO CASTO on Unsplash

Brave Cowards Who Choose to Lose Themselves in the Metaverse Desert to Find Themselves in the Reality City

By Pol Chain | Metaverso | 7 Jan 2022

Is the bravest person the one who always fights even knowing that he will lose? The intelligence of knowing when to fight and when to not fight can be confused with cowardice? Is it possible that the fulfillment of destiny is outside the expectations of others?

Photo by ANGELO CASTO on Unsplash

The Four Feathers is a book by A.E.W. Mason published in 1902. The main character Harry Faverham renounces his responsibilities, asks for discharge from the army and refuses for fear of traveling to Egypt and Sudan to fight with his companions. His desertion is taken as an act of cowardice so three of his comrades send him three white feathers as a symbol of contempt for his lack of courage and the last and fourth white feather he receives from his girlfriend while she breaks the engagement. One hundred years after the publication of the book (2002) the film starring Heath Ledger as Harry Faverham and with the brilliant direction of Shekhar Kapur was made. Both book and film leave the following questions about the central plot:

Is the bravest person the one who always fights even knowing that he will lose? The intelligence of knowing when to fight and when to not fight can be confused with cowardice? Is it possible that the fulfillment of destiny is outside the expectations of others?

Is the bravest person the one who always fights even knowing that he will lose?

Courage is the force of will that a person can develop to overcome certain impediments, without fear of failure, performing gestures of courage, both for others and for oneself. Avoiding the certainty of certain death to face all fears then with some chance of survival is courage and intelligence. The true heroism is not facing death but facing life says the director of the film. The only certainty that exists is not death, that is only a safe passage, but the unhappiness of not having voluntarily chosen, without impositions, to live life to the fullest. That is the only real agony.

The intelligence of knowing when to fight and when to not fight can be confused with cowardice?

Yes. The mind can become a feverish enemy of bravery when it is unfamiliar with life what for, the calling or fate. Being able to elucidate the moments to act and abandon according to the direction of destiny, the mission that one has, is called wisdom. Few access it because they are very aware of the opinion of others and do not have time to know it. The wiser the man becomes, the more he can be present in the present and interpret it. There are legions of fear and cowardice, but a single principle of value that resides in the soul.

“I found you half dead crossing the desert (laughing) alone, and you say you were afraid?! (continues laughing)
It’s a different kind of fear.
Is it possible that the fulfillment of destiny is outside the expectations of others?

Possibly the expectation built by others leads some people to lose their way for a long time. Adjusting to the context like melons in the car can become a habitual and even vicious routine. It is probable that going beyond the limits of the opinions of others, one will find unknown characteristics of their own: buried virtues, discreet passions and wasted talents. The imposed expectations of traditional careers, stable jobs and uniform opinions have less and less place in people’s choices. The empty ideological jars and the collectives of unique thought of the 21st century have less sustenance and followers. People, in addition to knowing and feeling, yearn to answer their whys.

One way to start finding yourself is to lose yourself like Harry Faverham. Some will believe that it is better to reign in the confusions of the Metaverse than to serve in the orders of the Universe. Others will say without preamble: “It is exhausting to search for the truth! What is your objective? If in the end, the only important thing is to have fun and make money, tons of bills, mountains of wealth. We want to launch ourselves into the anomie and anonymity of the screens where there are no laws or police, where the judges do not judge and there’s no annoyance from the annoying. We prefer to compromise with the idols, gods and titans that rule virtuality and make them emerge towards the tedious and monotonous reality than to endure the boring customs of the outside”. That will be the Sudan desert that they will cross half dead and alone.

And there within the virtual utopia ruled by the multitudes as perfect, decentralized and transparent democracies, they will not find an omnipotent (and loving) presence that has created, formulated the rules and holds together that ethereal context. They will find the chaos of the human, mixed with the good and the bad that that entails. There will be disputes, unreached consensus, sprawling egos and power fights. The palatial court will return, but instead of noble titles, automated figures and logic will be held. The Trinity of algorithms, computational capacity and cryptocurrencies will reign, and once the limitless vastness of Virtual Reality has been conquered, after having been lost for fear of reality, the time will come to turn off the screen and go out to the Real Reality (RR), liberated, transformed and heroic.


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