Solana will not run crypto forever. Are you ready for the next step?

The Solana Memecoin Casino Will End. What's Next?

Solana is running the world's most efficient casino right now.

It will end.

The signs are there. Although TVL looks to be in a positive trend alongside volume and stablecoins, these aren't the metrics to look at.

Volume per transaction is your tell. What we see there is overall volume moving sideways as we see total transactions creeping up.

When you get more transactions with the same volume, that means you have brokies coming into the ecosystem gambling. Dumb money. The number of memecoins created on Solana increases every day. 99% of them are complete trash. So you have more (very bad) choices competing for the same amount of money.

The number of memecoins on Solana will continue to increase, and these vehicles will be used to drain cash from the dumb money to centralize it into the hands of the memecoin makers. Once they drain the idiots, they will move on.

They will move into projects with actual products. You should be ready and waiting for that capital influx in defi and RWA.

✴️ Follow me on Twitter ❗️This project will save the 2024 cycle, no 🧢

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