Nerva - CPU mining - Decentralised

By Dennis76 | Looking after yourself | 15 Jun 2022

Nerva is a small but motivated crypto project. It aims to keep crypto decentralised and private as well as accessible to all. There was no ICO, no pre-allocation or pre-mine. If you want to get Nerva coins, you either mine them with your CPU or buy them.

The unique algorithm is highly resistant to mining pools, GPU and ASIC mining. This means no large ASIC mining farms or mining pools can dominate the hash rate or change the project to suit themselves.

Truly in the image of pure crypto, decentralised. Here is a link to the Nerva web page. Here you will find links to the downloads for the miner, in Linux, Windows, MAC and more.

You can also look at the node map and see how decentralised it is, but noting the global hash rate is still tiny, compared to Monero.

They are truly focussed on being decentralised and a coin for the people, whilst also ensuring transactions and data are kept private, like Monero and Nimiq.


Plus there is no referral links, no sign up bonuses or anything like that. Simply download the miner, allow a few hours for the client to sync and catch up on all the blocks, and off you go, mining with your CPU to support a private and decentralised network.


Here is a video on how to get started and get mining Nerva!!


See you there :-)


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