Mr Marmalade is in charge of my GPU mining farm

By Dennis76 | Looking after yourself | 10 Nov 2022

Mr Marmalade is not known for his physical fitness, his knowledge of computers, nor his interest in cryptocurrencies. No, no, no no. He is however, the most reliable manager of my GPU mining rigs. How so, I hear you say? How so?




Well, as a picture speaks a thousand words. Look at him in the picture, hard at work, ensuring the computers all keep working, 24/7. If they dare to even pause, or heaven forbid stop, he is quick to come running and meow at the door. Why? As they stop producing the heat which he so loves, and which helps him work so hard at perfecting his sleep and rest routine.

Still in doubt?



Here is Mr Marmalade from another angle. See, how hard he is supervising and checking? He has not paused his ruthless supervision and work ethic on all of the GPU mining rigs, pausing only to change position or test the sleep he gets on a different rig or a different position.

Mr Marmalade, the GPU mining rig superstar. I salute you!


Now the crypto markets continue to twist and turn and fall. Now might be the time to get into mining? GPUs and computers are getting cheaper as people offload them after the Ethereum merge. Remember all those people, maybe even you saying last year how they wish they got into mining or crypto before the last bull market? Well, now with FTX falling and the blood on the streets, maybe now is the time?

If so, maybe consider Kryptex for your laptops and computers. Great quick payouts, high earnings for each of your computers or rigs. Give them a go.

For a little passive income for your idle crypto. Check out Nexo


Or if you like to tip in crypto - 

BTC - 1MVWUUtgiChEn7Qguq82fhJ8q7vYYdPn4W

Bitcoin Cash - bitcoincash:qzkrp3k5qpvcfennvkgx5cvtnwr04zypvvhzg240fv

ETH - 0xe753e2e8708044e8d6153142c7bb5db00ee59c04

ETC - 0xe753e2e8708044e8d6153142c7bb5db00ee59c04

XRP - rBgnUKAEiFhCRLPoYNPPe3JUWayRjP6Ayg and Destination Tag - 759708640

BAT - 0xe753e2e8708044e8d6153142c7bb5db00ee59c04


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Looking after yourself
Looking after yourself

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