Is it still worth it to GPU mine?

By Dennis76 | Looking after yourself | 4 Oct 2022

A lot has changed for GPU mining recently. The Ethereum merge has taken place, going from Proof of Work (POW) to Proof of Stake (POS). This removed more than 90 percent of the earnings for GPU miners around the world.

The next biggest cryptos that are GPU mineable such as ETC, RVN and ERGO are all much lower in price, earnings and hash rate by orders of magnitude. Now GPU miners, used to earning dollars a day per GPU are now barely earning cents. And this is before the cost of electricity.

So is it worth mining with GPU computers and mining rigs? Many will say No. Perhaps based upon the crypto winter prices we have right now plus the ever rising cost of electricity due to poor woke, left wing politicians, it is not profitable if you are selling the mined coins to pay your bills.

However, personally I believe the answer to be a big Yes. Looking back, when ETH prices were in the dollars, everyone was saying then it is not worth it to mine. I would argue, that now is the time to be earning as much crypto as possible while prices are low and people are negative. When people tell me crypto is doomed, I buy. Even during the boom times, I only sell a little. I am in crypto for the long haul. I don't sell my mined coins to pay my mining bills. I pay using my fiat earnings.

So if you are interested in looking at GPU mining or using some different software. Give Kryptex a go. It is a mining platform that automatically benchmarks your computers and chooses the most profitable mining algorithm to mine with your computer or computers.

It is similar to the other Mining platforms I have previously covered - Cryptotab, Nicehash and Betterhash.

They have all added a range of alternative cryptos now, including the new ETH POW coins, ERGO, RVN, BTG and Flux to name a few.

Either way, they are worth checking out. Please use my referral link so I earn a little extra :-) My Kryptex Referral Link.

I have also included my links to Cryptotab and Betterhash above if you want to look at setting up with them as well.

Feel free to ask my any questions. I think the more people get involved in mining, the better for crypto, the better for freedom and the better for the world. More people mining means the networks are more secure, more decentralised and less likely to be controlled or taken down. Particularly now during these tough economic times, with all the negative news, it is time to buy GPUs, to mine crypto and to look to the long term.

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