GPU Mining Channel - Red Panda Mining

By Dennis76 | Looking after yourself | 19 May 2023

For those of you who are interested in starting or becoming involved in crypto mining, or like me are already mining using a range of computers, then this Odysee and Youtube channel is for you!

Red Panda Mining has been around for a long time, and provides a range of content about mining, from building your own rigs, about crypto mining and crypto news in general, and even looks at each type of mining rig, or each type of GPU and how profitable they are.

For example, Red Panda Mining provided a lot of content before the Ethereum move to Proof of Stake and what miners should do and what coins they could move their hash rate, computer power across to. 

Importantly, the channel is both on Odysee (a crypto alternative to Youtube) as well as Youtube. The links to the channels are above. If you have not yet joined Odysee, then please use my link and we both get a little crypto.

I hope it also shows how cool and important crypto mining is to the security and growth of crypto in general. Proof of Work is very secure, much more secure than Proof of Stake and also means anyone with a computer can generate a little income, making the networks decentralized which is great in terms of security, in case power or internet goes out in certain areas and also means the little guy can earn a little, unlike Ethereum Proof of Stake where you require 32 ETH just to get started. Mining on the other hand can be started with any old computer or laptop. You can mine CPU coins like Nimiq or Monero and if you want to get more involved and earn more, then gaming computers with GPUs can help you mine ETH POW, Ergo, Nexo, ETC, BTG to name a few.

Here is one video from the channel a few years ago, talking about how to build your own mining rig.

And some more recent videos about GPU mining profitability recently.




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