Combining a very deep understanding of RPGs with innovations in blockchain that have never been seen before, CipSoft presents: the future of gaming.
My morning routine has changed dramatically since I started to play LiteBringer. The moment I wake up my mind instantly tries to recall which items I left up for sale in the market from the night before. Instead of checking emails I’m checking discord now. What are they selling things for now? Did I over price? Should I have pushed for more? Did I completely miss my opportunity?
The path to profit.
The LiteBringer splash flashes on my screen, and in the brief moment while it syncs with the blockchain I grab my morning caffeine. A new obsession rules my life right now. Just a few days ago I stepped into the ring with a champion, and Postpunk had left me with a concussion. Everything I was absolutely sure about had been waved in my face like a challenge, and none of it had held up under the microscope. As I spent the following days applying a completely new approach to my growth, focus shifted toward the marketplace. We are supposed to be able to make Litecoin — right?
When you start asking questions about success in games, everyone has an answer. What’s the best way? Do this. When you start poking around at how people are making money, all the voices go silent. I don’t blame them. Would you want to give away your hard earned secrets? In every game I have ever played that featured a player run economy I always felt like I missed something. Like everyone else was clued in to something I didn’t see or understand. Every question I’d ask would be met with skeptical answers. “Figure it out,” they’d say. I felt like that guy dancing in the middle of the club with zero rhythm or clue. And my dance was at least a decade out-of-date.
The last time I had traded anything in a game for real money remains cemented in my mind like it happened yesterday. As a young kid I picked up Magic: The Gathering as a fun way to spend time with my friends. I was one of those kids sitting alongside the lunch room wagering my lunch money on the outcome of cards. To me it was a fun game, and as a kid you don’t realize the gravity of your actions when you’ve just sold an extremely rare collectible for pennies. Until they laugh in your face all the way to the bank. What a powerful lesson. I still had a sour taste in my mouth.
A good friend will see when you need a push and you’ll never see the nudge coming.
We were firing messages back and forth.
“Just list it,” he said.
Fortune had just smiled upon me. I had found one of the rare skill scrolls. Finally! This was to be my grand entrance into the marketplace. My chance to turn a profit. Checking prices brought a shocking realization: I was going to have to actually list it, and I had no idea what I was doing. Another message flashed up from TheoWayne.
“What are you waiting for?”
When I was young, Magic cards stole many hours of my life. Learning strategy, metagaming and rule interpretation came from hours of playing and exposure. But when I first started making those crucial trades for cards: He who was most savvy ended up with the best deal. And I was a dolt. I was bringing some serious baggage into this situation.
“How much should I sell it for?” I asked.
Sometimes we just get in our own way.
I was nervous. Subconsciously I was somehow convinced this was the only scroll I would ever find. I needed to get value from this. It had to be perfect. My pulse was pounding in my ears and my hands were noticeably shaky and uneasy. As difficult as I was making it, with a simple click I opened up the offer menu. I placed the coveted scroll into the offer box and set the price. After one click it only took a block confirmation to finalize the sale. For all the misery I was putting myself through in this, it really was an easy process.
I clicked on my offers menu, and to my dismay nothing was there. Not a moment earlier I had just seen it and then sent my warrior off to battle the elements. Now upon returning it was gone! Did I mess something up? Was the game lagging? I started quickly checking off potential issues. Something about my balance looked off. It had increased significantly. The light bulb of enlightenment flashed behind my eyes. The scroll had sold almost immediately, and its proceeds instantly added to my own stash! It had happened so fast I didn’t even notice.
“It sold!” I tapped out.
My first deal made in LiteBringer, I mentally patted myself on the back. Often the first of things are the hardest. It was time to move on and start experimenting. Time to start dipping a little more than my toe in.
Litebringer is an RPG that exists on top of the LTC blockchain. As a client that interacts with the blockchain instead of a server, you have a unique gaming environment that will be persistent as long as there is at least one person mining LTC. For more information, visit:
If you would like to check my progress or donate to my journey, my LTC address is: ltc1qk2d6zggy2esl877rwxd4995fqqmlrrgs672rjt