Unmineable - Convert your GPU/CPU Hashpower into Different POS/DPOS Coins

By LiteLiger | LiteLiger Blog | 27 Jul 2021

Turning Extra Hashpower for Coins that you Actually Want...

Unmineable is an application that is user friendly and meant to use either your CPU/GPU to mine following algorithms

  • ETH (Ethereum) for our Ethash pool
  • ETC (Ethereum Classic) for our Etchash pool
  • XMR (Monero) for our RandomX pool
  • RVN (Ravencoin) for our KawPow pool

and by mining these specific algo's you can exchange your earnings into multiple different coins that are being supported by the platform that aren't normally mineable coins such as Cardano, Solana, Algorand, Band Protocol, Cosmos, Tron, Chiliz, EOS, Klever, Lisk, Nano, Uniswap and many others..

Top of this you can also use it to mine other PoW coins like Bitcoin, Monero, Dash, Digibyte, Dogecoin, and others. The mining rate is rather profitable right now, at least better what I've reached with other similar programs in the market. 


For those who want more advanced settings those are available too, please understand that the normal miner that you'd download is literally just 2 click system where you add your payment address and start mining. There is 1% mining fee included on the actual service, however you can get 0.25% discount by using my discount code 4oh5-902l or you can just simply use the URL version as well - https://unmineable.com/?ref=4oh5-902l

  • On the background the application uses phoenix miner, which is rather established go-2-go Ethereum miner for GPU's as for CPU I'm not 100% sure since I haven't used that yet.

Each coin has different payout minimum, some of the lower ones include Nano & Tron, but there are also some with more higher threshold like Cardano for instance, but this is all relative to how much equipment you are packing. 

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