How To Get 1,000 Views Every Day On Your “AI” Related Blog Posts Via Reddit Promotion, Guaranteed Working Method

By RevolverOcelotYt | RevolverOcelot | 3 Mar 2023

Image by Kevin Phillips from Pixabay

Why Choose Reddit For Your AI Related Blog Promotion?



Source: Similarweb

When a website is giving you over 47 percent of traffic from a tier 1 country like United States Of America then it will be unwise not to utilize this opportunity.

Sharing my results of last 3 months using the same Reddit promotion strategy for AI related content for my blog posts.

December 3 till January 1

January 2 till January 31

February 1 till March 2

So seeing from the above screen shots from my analytics you can see I amassed over 183k views to my Artificial Intelligence related Blog posts hence more reason to continue reading this medium story.

  Why Is Artificial Intelligence A Hot Topic Right Now?

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

You and I both know exactly as to why AI is the current trending topic and a topic for the upcoming future as well and if you do not know the answer then you might be living in a cave right now; well of course because of ChatGPT phenomenon almost 100 million daily users as of right now and forcing huge conglomerates like Google, Meta, Amazon, SnapChat and even the Chinese Baidu getting into this bandwagon.

  Well Does Which SubReddits I Can Use To Self Promote My AI Related Blog Posts? Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Isn’t that the primary reason you decided to click on this blog post?

In this section we will be discussing the top Artificial Intelligence related subreddits; so lets dive in shall we:

  1. r/artificial

Date of creation: March 13, 2008

Members Count: 181k

Claims to be Reddit’s home for artificial intelligence and hence encourages users to post text based discussions, articles, videos and questions related to AI. It serves as a forum for everyone interested in respectfully and intelligently discussing AI in all of its forms.

2. r/ArtificialIntelligence

Date of creation: February 25, 2016

Members Count: 114k

The purpose of this subreddit is to serve as a portal to the numerous sides of the artificial intelligence community and to foster conversation about the theories and notions that make up AI. In order to submit your AI related blog posts the requirement is to post a submission statement in the body of the text post with a link at the top to your blog post.

3. r/futurology

Date of creation: December 12, 2011

Members Count: 18.3 million

A section of Reddit dedicated to future studies and conjecture regarding the advancement of technology, society, humanity and artificial intelligence.

Expect a thousand views after a couple of hours of you submitting your AI related blog post here however there is a reason this is 3rd on the list. This subreddit has the most strict rules on any subreddit that will be discussed here today meaning you might as well get banned for self promotion. The submission guidelines are simple you can post here by adding a link to the top of the body of text post with a submission statement. It is advised to follow the reddit promotion policies for this particular subreddit by engaging with 10 other posts in the form of comments under this subreddit before posting your blog post link here just to be on the safe side because if you get banned on this subreddit you cannot create a new account to circumvent the ban as reddit will ban you for further 3 days.

4. r/tech and r/technology

Am not bothering to include the date of creation and member count for this one cause there is zero tolerance for blog promotion on this subreddit meaning if you even message the mods for getting such a permission you will still get banned and forget about posting here with any sort of link cause it will be auto removed so it’s not worth it.

5. r/ChatGPT And r/OpenAI

Well both are AI’s hot topics and both relevant subreddits gets you huge traffic to your Blog Post but you must make sure to post relevant content here and also engage with 10 posts with comments before you file in your submissions. Expect huge traffic boost to your AI chatbot related blog posts in the matter of mere minutes meaning you can get 100 views in 30 minutes and am talking about my own experience here so test it out yourself to see results.

6. Honourable Mentions










Final Thoughts And Conclusion

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

After testing out the subreddits for boosting traffic to your AI related blog posts you will notice that until and unless your reddit submission goes to the subreddit hot section you cannot go completely viral. So basically you need to be as relevant in your submissions as much as possible so that these reddit communities actually want to engage with your content.

Enjoy your traffic from Reddit to your AI related Blog posts and please share your results after testing out the methods discussed over here so others can benefit as well.

This article was originally published on medium at



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