Pain is a personal feeling that hardly visible to others. The pain on external body part is visible but the pain in heart is invisible if you also can hide your tears. Sometimes we share our pain but others only can show sympathy and empathy, can't feel the actual pain we are going through. Some pain help us to gain something but pain means losing something too. We can't compare the pain of us with others because the feeling is absolutely private and only who going through the pain know the real taste of it.
Pain is painful and unbearable but still we gain sometimes. For example, you have serious pain in your heart and you are crying a lot and a real friend in your life will definitely offer his shoulder or tissue to wipe away your years. That care can be consider as gain as we find a real friend around us who can't feel our pain but at least can be a good support for us when we need to have it. Pain and gain everything is temporary but still we can't ignore it.
Did you ever cried all day long because you were hurt? It cause pain in my head which means I suffer from bad headache for crying long time. Is this only happen to me? Many says when we cry a lot our heavy heart feel good but for me it cause headache, eye burning and make me sleepy sometimes. The pain is invisible and can't show it others to make them feel the way I'm feeling and that's the reality, we need to accept it. No one can share the invisible pain deep inside our heart and mind and sometimes we can't even express it properly to someone!
Let's talk about invisible gain which makes us happiest inside for a specific time. The gain could be a mental satisfaction or peace after a long time. Doing good to others mostly bring the invisible gain and it is also something that we can't share the feeling properly. Invisible gain and pain both are our very personal feeling that only can be felt by us. Today I was thinking about the pain and gain and I think I go through these two private feelings many times and more or less we all go through it.
Getting old with the time is a decision of nature but this is painful for many, count me one of them who has the pain. Youth is beautiful and very few who may wish to get old in life. Old gain experiences and painful part of it to lose energy that we have when we are young. The grey hair inside the black/brown hair let us know that we are getting old and those gray hair can be the reason of invisible pain in our heart that we never show to others. Invisible pain has no treatment and most of the time, it is unexpressed and untold.
Invisible gain gives us the feeling of invisible heaven, likely invisible pain gives us the feeling of invisible hell. If you try to express the invisible pain and gain, you can't find appropriate words to express it to others as it is or as it feels like. So make it private is fine because some doesn’t take it positively and can judge you wrongly. Very few can understand our psychology and not necessary that few people are available around us!
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