Liberland officially opened its Trade Office in Belgrade, Serbia yesterday

Liberland officially opened its Trade Office in Belgrade, Serbia yesterday

By Liberland TV | Liberland TV | 24 Oct 2023

🤝🏻Liberland officially opened its Trade Office in Belgrade, Serbia yesterday 🇷🇸 Liberland officially opened its Trade Office in Belgrade, Serbia yesterday The aim of the trade office is to show the willingness to collaborate in the international field. “Our project has already been bringing economic activity to Serbia in several sectors, including the maritime industry, tourism, and blockchain technology. An office in Belgrade will be very helpful to connect us to these and other important sectors, and this space is well-suited for meetings and events,” says Thomas Walls, Liberland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Come and join us at our Trade Office or other Representative offices around the globe*. 🌍 Where else should we come to meet you or to open our representative office? *You can see the list of our representation offices on our official website. #trade #market #industry #collaboration #cooperation #liberland #work #serbia #belgrade #belgrad #belehrad Liberland officially opened its Trade Office in Belgrade, Serbia yesterdayLiberland officially opened its Trade Office in Belgrade, Serbia yesterdayLiberland officially opened its Trade Office in Belgrade, Serbia yesterday

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