Liberland Issues Statement on Events in Syria

Liberland Issues Statement on Events in Syria

By Liberland TV | Liberland TV | 13 Dec 2024

Liberland Issues Statement on Events in Syria

Liberland hopes for a quick end to any ongoing hostilities and a peaceful transfer of power that respects and guarantees the individual rights and freedoms of all people and all religions in Syria.

17339469689670.912179509497203-mofa-seal-nosig.png MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS


MEMORANDUM: Wednesday, December 11, 2024
REFERENCE: Statement on the Situation in Syria

The Free Republic of Liberland has been closely following the recent situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, where opposition groups have advanced rapidly across the country, resulting in President Bashar al-Assad relinquishing power and leaving the country.

For far too long, Syria has been plagued by foreign intervention, civil war and terrorism, resulting in death, destruction and mass flows of refugees. Liberland hopes for a quick end to any ongoing hostilities and a peaceful transfer of power that respects and guarantees the individual rights and freedoms of all people and all religions in Syria.

Thomas G. Poehlmann remains our official representative in Syria and we look forward to constructive cooperation with the official representatives of the future Syrian government.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Photo by Zoher Ghrawi


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