Join Liberland in Washington, D.C. for the Presidential Inauguration!

Join Liberland in Washington, D.C. for the Presidential Inauguration!

By Liberland TV | Liberland TV | 14 Jan 2025

JOIN LIBERLAND'S DELEGATION TO THE U.S. PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION!  Liberland is coming to Washington, D.C. for the Presidential inauguration! We hope you’ll join our delegation to this historic event as well as our own reception on Tuesday, January 21 co-sponsored by TRON Tech Ltd. There are also some exciting crypto-related events you can also take part, as well as a special VIP package that includes much more.   Here’s our preliminary schedule:  Jan 17 - Inaugural Crypto Ball Andrew Mellon Auditorium (Black tie event) 8 PM Jan 18 - MAGA MAHA Crypto Leadership Conference at MGM National Harbor 9 AM - 1 PM Jan 19 - Victory Rally Capital One Arena 3 PM Bitcoin Inaugural Ball at MGM National Harbor (Black tie event) 7 PM - 11 PM Jan 20 - Presidential Inauguration: Swearing-In Ceremony and Parade Jan 21 - Liberland Rooftop reception at Atlantic Plumbing Building, 2112 8th St NW 6-10 PM. The January 21 event, co-sponsored by TRON Tech Ltd., is free to Liberland citizens, e-residents and supporters, but RSVP is required. Please note that for some of the events, separate tickets are required.  Inaugural Crypto Ball Andrew Mellon Auditorium (Black tie event) 8 PM: Use promo code CRYPTOBALL21 for a 21% discount.  MAGA MAHA Crypto Leadership Conference and Bitcoin Inaugural Ball: Special for the Liberland Community: use this link for preferred treatment when purchasing tickets for the  Special VIP package: organized in conjunction with the Trump Vance Inaugural Committee (TVIC)  includes access to exclusive inaugural events. You and your designees will receive the following allotment of tickets to these events:  TRUMP CABINET RECEPTION (2 TICKETS) MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN VICTORY RALLY (2 TICKETS) SWEARING-IN CEREMONY (2 TICKETS) PARADE (2 TICKETS) STARLIGHT BALL (2 TICKETS)  If you are interested in securing the VIP package and attending these events with President Vit Jedlicka and Prime Minister Justin Sun, please send an email to info (at) The cost for the VIP package is $50,000. These events, especially the Cabinet reception and Starlight Ball, will be a prime opportunity for us to make the case for Liberland to the incoming administration and how we can partner with decision-makers in helping establish a new, free-market country in the Balkans.   Whichever option you choose, we’d love to meet with you in Washington, D.C.. We look forward to seeing you!


Liberland is coming to Washington, D.C. for the Presidential inauguration! We hope you’ll join our delegation to this historic event as well as our own reception on Tuesday, January 21 co-sponsored by TRON Tech Ltd. There are also some exciting crypto-related events you can also take part, as well as a special VIP package that includes much more. 

Here’s our preliminary schedule:

  • Jan 17 - Inaugural Crypto Ball Andrew Mellon Auditorium (Black tie event) 8 PM
  • Jan 18 - MAGA MAHA Crypto Leadership Conference at MGM National Harbor 9 AM - 1 PM
  • Jan 19 - Victory Rally Capital One Arena 3 PM
    Bitcoin Inaugural Ball at MGM National Harbor (Black tie event) 7 PM - 11 PM
  • Jan 20 - Presidential Inauguration: Swearing-In Ceremony and Parade
  • Jan 21 - Liberland Rooftop reception at Atlantic Plumbing Building, 2112 8th St NW 6-10 PM.

The January 21 event, co-sponsored by TRON Tech Ltd., is free to Liberland citizens, e-residents and supporters, but RSVP is required. Please note that for some of the events, separate tickets are required.

Inaugural Crypto Ball Andrew Mellon Auditorium (Black tie event) 8 PM: Use promo code CRYPTOBALL21 for a 21% discount.

MAGA MAHA Crypto Leadership Conference and Bitcoin Inaugural Ball: Special for the Liberland Community: use this link for preferred treatment when purchasing tickets for the

Special VIP package: organized in conjunction with the Trump Vance Inaugural Committee (TVIC)  includes access to exclusive inaugural events. You and your designees will receive the following allotment of tickets to these events:


If you are interested in securing the VIP package and attending these events with President Vit Jedlicka and Prime Minister Justin Sun, please send an email to info (at) The cost for the VIP package is $50,000. These events, especially the Cabinet reception and Starlight Ball, will be a prime opportunity for us to make the case for Liberland to the incoming administration and how we can partner with decision-makers in helping establish a new, free-market country in the Balkans. 

Whichever option you choose, we’d love to meet with you in Washington, D.C.. We look forward to seeing you!

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