My actual mining strategy (May 2024)

By lezanch | Lezanch | 16 May 2024

Good morning to all

In this period of ups and downs in the crypto world, where the ups and downs come one after another, the miner's life is not quite so simple. And in my own little way, I'm in it too.

Starting from the premise that I've been a tiny home miner since 2021 (I had started in 2017 but then stopped) and that where I live, the cost of energy is important, my strategy is aimed at optimising consumption, with a setup that focuses on efficiency, often even at the expense of higher income, so as to limit my daily negative balance (if, and I repeat, IF, I decide to sell the mined currency every day).
Currently my hardware consists of a Ryzen 9 3900x CPU and 4x RTX 4060Ti (a video card that I consider a good compromise in terms of efficiency and purchase cost).

What is my current strategy for mining?
I'm aiming to mine and accumulate a fair amount of different cryptos, with at least a counter value of $10 each, in order to differentiate the amount of cryptos as much as possible and hope that at least one of them will boom in the next bull run (or altcoin season).
What I mine every day I keep in accumulation in a wallet. As soon as I reach $10 of that currency, I change currency. To reach 10$ with my hardware, it takes about 4/5 days.

Which coins am I trying to accumulate?
Right now I am accumulating:
ZEPH - Zephir (CPU minable coin with RandomX)
PYI - Pyrin (GPU)
AIPG - AI Power Grid (GPU)
ANOK - Anokas (GPU)
ALPH - Alephium (GPU - ASIC)
ERG - Ergo (GPU)
IRON - Ironfish (GPU)
RVN - Ravencoin (GPU)

Right now these are the cryptos I aim to accumulate.
To help me, in addition to the GPU; I am using the proceeds of a NEOXA node, converting 2000 NEOX into one of the above currencies each time I receive a prize.

What will I actually do?
Who can tell at this indecisive moment? I think I will continue with this strategy, hoping that one of the currencies I am accumulating will take off.

And you miners reading this, what strategy are you adopting?
Write it down in the comments.

Thanks for reading.


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Hello Publish0x.. I'm Lezanch (real name Leonardo), 41 years old guy from Italy. Since 10 years old I loved computers, my first one was a personal IBM PS/2 with 20 Mb (yes, 20 Megabytes) of hard disk... Now I spend almost of my working time in front of pc monitors.. so sometimes I loves to read some good and interesting news/post.. now it is also my turn. :-)

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