Hi Guys
Today I would like to talk to you about FaucetSpin. This is a multicoin faucet site that, in my opition, keep a good claim rate also with the high crypto value of thi period.
There are four crypto available at the moment: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin. There are two ways to collect these coins: Faucet (obviously) and Paid to click.
Since my subscription to this site the FAUCET claim is:
- BTC: 10 Satoshi every 30 minutes
- BCH: 70 Satoshi every 5 minutes
- ETH: 30 Gwei every 5 minute
- LTC: 250 Litoshi every 5 minutes
As I said before, above numbers never changed since my subscription (3 weeks ago).
14th February 2021 update. From today the claim is half for BCH, ETH and LTC, so 35, 15, 125.
When you click above the coin to claim, there will be one captcha to solve (usually reCAPTCHA) and after one another captcha, very easy.
PTC: during the days there are some PTC to see. The proceed is very simple.. click above the coin where the ptc is available, than open the new sponsor page.. the countdown is 15 seconds, than solve the captcha in the main page. Claims are half than the Faucet.
WITHDRAW: the withdraw is very easy.. you need only to use the same coin address you use on FauceyPay (yes, this faucet is linked to Faucetpay).
The minimum withdraw is: BTC: 5000 Sat; BCH: 5000 Sat; ETH: 5000 Gwei; LTC: 10000 Lit.
As you can see Litecoin withdraw is very quick. The withdraw process required up to 72 hours (as highlighted in the website). In my experience with some claim, the max pending time was 12 hours.
There is also a good affiliation program, with 20% of earning commissions for each claim. Not to bad!
So what to do?
1: subscribe to FaucetSpin site (if you would like to use my referral link, it is really appreciated): https://www.faucetspin.com/?ref=36816
2: Link your coin wallet address with the same crypto. Be sure you will use the same you use on FaucetPay, otherwise you need to open an account on that microwallet site (https://faucetpay.io/?r=965399).
3: start to claim!
I know this site will never help you to become rich, but is a simple way to collect some crypto (peanuts) for free, to start your adventure in crypto world.
Thanks for reading and sorry for my basic English.