Elon Musk did something very inconsequential but weird on X, and people can't understand why

By LeftFooted | LeftFooted's Antics | 5 Aug 2024

Hashtags no longer matter as much we think, the head of Instagram said that clearly, hashtags don't do anything for reach on Instagram, probably that's a bit different on X.

But anyway they still exist, and they're still used, and some hashtags on X come with a little emoji or a little image next to them.

If you type # JujutsuKaisen (a Japanese anime), for example, an image of one of the characters appear next to it.

This used to happen with Bitcoin as well. In the past if you typed hashtag bitcoin, a little Bitcoin logo would appear next to it.

That's no longer the case.

It's obviously something trivial, it doesn't matter, but the idea of putting little emojis next to the hashtag is kinda cool, and Musk is famously pro crypto, so why was that removed?

That's odd, isn't it?

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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on read.cash

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