What is your investment plan with this data?

Dear Friends,

As we all know that investment is an art.

Investment is needed for every one and the awareness on various investment instruments are rising over these years. 

It is everyone's wish that their investment portfolio would beat the inflation.

Many of us would bat for the index funds while investing. 

Even many a times, index funds performed consistently. 

The skill is to beat the index fund in our investment year on year. 


Consider this scenario of fact in the US S&P 500 Market.

As per the report by Fortune ( I annexed herewith), the year to date as on 18 June 2024 , the S&P 500 index in US is up by 15%.


The Market Giants NVIDIA, Microsoft, Apple, Meta, Google, Amazon, and Broadcom are up on an average of 25.3%, while the remaining 493 companies have grown by just 2.7%.


                                                                                                          ( Image Courtesy: Fortune)

So the learning is and many are beating the drum is that the individual stocks have risen so much and don't believe in index performance blindly.

What's your plan?

In the long run, index returns compounds year after year for larger returns.

If one is confident and prudent enough to beat the index return by picking individual stocks, it's well and good.

But for majority of the people who lacks knowledge and time to do individual stock picking, index investing is a disguise in blessing.

While that said, index will have its own underperformance years which is well know.

So the investments and risks is totally up to one's Appetite of investment and time. 

And more thing is that don't put all your funds in one investment instrument always. Please do diversify your portfolio as no one can predict exactly how the returns of the futures are!  And Please review your investment portfolio at least once in a year and rebalance your portfolio. 

Plan for the active and passive income streams always as per your risks appetite. 




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