Krebit beta is live on Rinkeby!

Krebit beta is finally live on Rinkeby! give it a try on and send us your feedback on

Decentralized Reputation (DeRep) has great challenges: sovereign-identities, reputation calculation, sybil attacks, governance, vote buying, vote swings, vote apathy, plutocracy, etc. Krebit mitigates all of them and creates a pseudonymous economy for users to prove things about them without revealing any unnecessary information.

Krebit is a Decentralized Reputation (DeRep) DApp for building the Web3 of Trust. Our vision is allowing the people to trust each other again and maximize social capital, by serving as a reputation scoring platform for all members of the blockchain community.

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Krebit will reuse your existing IDX Decentralized Identity (DID) for login with either Metamask or a Non-Custodial local storage wallet. IDX is a multi-platform identity protocol for web3 decentralized and portable user profiles. DIDs enable entities to prove control over them by authenticating using cryptographic proofs such as digital signatures. An example of a DID is “did:example:123456abcdef”.

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A claim is a statement about a subject, e.g. about their identity, location, accomplishments, owned property, etc. With Krebit the user private claim data remains off-chain in the Ceramic Network encrypted and controlled by their IDX DID. After a user manages their claim information, they can request judgement from a verifier based on a fee that they are willing to pay. A verifier with enough $KRB Tokens validates the data, signs the Verifiable Credential and sends attestation.

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Verified Credentials are attestations made by issuers on users' claims. Krebit offers a W3C Verifiable Credentials marketplace, where both users and attestators are rewarded when they are registered On-Chain in the $KRB Token ethereum smart contract.

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Any member can also dispute a Verifiable Credential via proposal on the Krebit DAO. Once raised, disputes must be resolved by voting and the $KRB rewards could get burnt and the verifier’s stake could get slashed. The Krebit DAO will be optimistic, via the motions process as defined in Aragon Project's EIP-3000. Krebit Inc. (a Delaware S Corp) operates the Krebit DApp and promotes the Krebit DAO.

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$KRB is an ERC-20 Token with OpenZepellin's extensions to make it Mintable/Burnable or Cyclical. It supports gasless transactions through EIP-712 signed delegations. It also limits tokens to only be transferable between accounts with a min balance, to encourage reputation building.

Krebit uses a Triple Layer architecture:
- P2P Storage and Chat
- Off-Chain Signed Data
- Blockchain Contracts


Krebit is not going to reinvent the wheel. Instead, we intend to use the best existing tools and best practices for each component of the architecture. We're building on top of @identityindex @ethereum @IPFS @ceramicnetwork @textileio @AragonProject & @graphprotocol

Our Roadmap currently looks like this:
-Landing page and Yellowpaper publication (Q2 2021) - done
-TestNet beta deployment (Q3 2021) - done 
-Early Feedback and first round of funding (Q3/4 2021)
-Implement Escrow and reviews (Q3 2021)
-Implement Cross-chain and Web2 aggregation (Q4 2021)
-Bug bounties and Security audits (Q1 2022)
-MainNet Launch on ETH2.0 (Q1 2022)

Decentralized social media is coming to the web3! Start building your DID reputation today!


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Decentralized Reputation (DeRep) for a Web3 of Trust. | |

Krebit - Your Web3 Reputation Passport
Krebit - Your Web3 Reputation Passport

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