Bullish on Bitcoin 2024

By KatsuCrypto | KatsuCrypto | 2 Jan 2024

Happy New Year all!

I just got home from a Seattle Kraken hockey game and it was amazing! My wife bought tickets to the winter classic and I’m happy to say the Kraken won! 

I couldn’t help feeling like we started out the year winning and how it’s an omen for how this year will go. 

Side note, I’m not saying a hockey game had anything to do with the crypto markets. 

However, I do feel like Bitcoin is goin to have a big year this year! Whispers and murmurs of a Bitcoin ETF have been teased for all of Q4 of 2023. It’s impossible to deny that the perfect crypto storm is brewing and I think the ETF is going to be the thing that kicks off this bullish narrative to start off the New Year!   

This is what we’ve HODLed for and there will be a lot of new winners in this cycle! Not NFA!  As always, this is just a feeling! A hunch, if you will! But one shared by most all the crypto community!

My bags are packed, and if you’re here reading this i hope yours are too!

And hey, one last PSA! If you do happen to invest in a shitcoin! No worries! I’ll be doing that too! Please take profits if there are profits to take. Then ride out a little moon bag if you must! Don’t roundtrip all your shitcoins this cycle! You’ll regret it! Trust me.


Happy New year all! Let’s get to winning already!

 Cheers! And thanks for reading!

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BTC and ETH maxi. HODLer.


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