What is the "fastest" coin to mine on unMineable - a programmer's answer

unMineable offers over 60 coins to mine. But how do you choose which one to mine? I will use the unMineable APIs to determine which coin is the "fastest" to mine in this post. By "fast," I mean which coin can get you to the minimum payment requirement.  

Summary / Result

If you don't care about finding out about the actual implementation and want to see the result, here you go (I'm using my GPU as a base mark that has a hash rate of about 26 MH/s):

  { symbol: 'NANO', daysToVest: 0.2554876120316373 },
  { symbol: 'WIN', daysToVest: 0.7254070841001726 },
  { symbol: 'BTT', daysToVest: 0.7954735588108932 },
  { symbol: 'TRX', daysToVest: 1.2712743525314971 },
  { symbol: 'KLV', daysToVest: 1.4798327504864062 },
  { symbol: 'USDT', daysToVest: 2.1972645521169176 },
  { symbol: 'ZIL', daysToVest: 2.6195954947215907 },
  { symbol: 'LTC', daysToVest: 3.601947356818991 },
  { symbol: 'RVN', daysToVest: 3.6212055386066395 },
  { symbol: '1INCH', daysToVest: 3.778000247421236 },
  { symbol: 'FTM', daysToVest: 4.064995869354447 },
  { symbol: 'BNB', daysToVest: 5.021416340693056 },
  { symbol: 'DOGE', daysToVest: 5.146734683945053 },
  { symbol: 'HOT', daysToVest: 5.643363148435299 },
  { symbol: 'CHZ', daysToVest: 5.816586846614802 },
  { symbol: 'XMR', daysToVest: 6.07900271934055 },
  { symbol: 'ATOM', daysToVest: 6.700167504187605 },
  { symbol: 'XTZ', daysToVest: 8.039590157772938 },
  { symbol: 'ETC', daysToVest: 9.053014816888291 },
  { symbol: 'XRP', daysToVest: 9.404869277019483 },
  { symbol: 'ADA', daysToVest: 9.492191485978847 },
  { symbol: 'ALGO', daysToVest: 10.637618875390933 },
  { symbol: 'CAKE', daysToVest: 10.829715982576069 },
  { symbol: 'SFM', daysToVest: 11.62821854655427 },
  { symbol: 'SAFEMOON', daysToVest: 11.62821854655427 },
  { symbol: 'XLM', daysToVest: 12.173414378083022 },
  { symbol: 'SAITAMA', daysToVest: 15.699015197517326 },
  { symbol: 'SOL', daysToVest: 17.142955102600588 },
  { symbol: 'ELON', daysToVest: 19.551705771923476 },
  { symbol: 'MATIC', daysToVest: 38.3174376317126 },
  { symbol: 'CRO', daysToVest: 41.28899326330437 },
  { symbol: 'BTC', daysToVest: 51.38746145940391 },
  { symbol: 'AAVE', daysToVest: 52.9613329308272 },
  { symbol: 'FUN', daysToVest: 55.02087259228995 },
  { symbol: 'BAT', daysToVest: 62.68186808228352 },
  { symbol: 'SHIB', daysToVest: 166.1327176725517 },
  { symbol: 'ETH', daysToVest: 175.50017550017552 }

The APIs

The above data is calculated using three simple APIs:

List of Coins on unMineable

GET https://api.unminable.com/v4/coin

This gives you the list of ALL coins mineable on unmineable.com

Get Coin Details

GET https://api.unminable.com/v3/coins/${SYMBOL}

This gives you information on the minimum payout requirement of the given coin.

Get Rewards

POST https://api.unminable.com/v3/calculate/reward -d {"algo":"ethash", "coin":"BTC", "mh":26}'

This gives information on how many rewards you can expect per day issued your hash rate and the coin.

Putting all of these together will generate the list above. I have put a JS application on GitHub if you want to download and try this out with your hash rate. Happy mining.

Consider using my referral links if you decide to mine:

RVN: y93m-tyrg  

BTT: 5h2h-g9ju  

ALGO: dq54-12ae    



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