Whales pumping BTC and ETH
"Bitcoin" the new generation gold or we can say a better version of gold ,said Simon knicliesk . Bitcoin(BTC) has proved itself not once but several times in past few years , it's the best investment which anyone would have made in the 20th century.
Bitcoin (BTC) being the king of the cryptocurrency world , have made proples fortune and is still uptrending .whales are quite into this crypto boss.
As per the analysis by the top cryptocurrency analysts, there's been seen a great emotion of interest among the whales towards the cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC) .
Whales are pumping this crypto as they're investing in billions of dollars into it.
But there's actually one group of whales which is extremely confident on Ethereum (ETH) ,believing that this is the one cryptocurrency which can give a fight to Bitcoin (BTC).
Ethereum (ETH) actually is the raging Bull and the one with backed up potential. Ethereum (ETH) Blockchain is actually soo much developed and have a huge upside potential and we can say it can change the whole scenario we look after cryptocurrency and blockchain and is developing at a great pace .
Feel free to share your comments on which one do you think is better or have a higher potential.
Keep smiling keep loving yourself and be Happy.
If you want to donate a lil bit of crypto ,you can here
SHIB 👉0xEc1bf6E130E9a994D62ECEFD7eE458ed90FE86a3
ETH 👉0xa53E9D110dE4157769314195eeFBb3807795194C
BTC 👉 3KrubHfiEHdMVckT3NFwz3S2Yzz7c89vh6