MANA and Shiba Inu skyrocketed ,what's coming next?

By Jw1 | JW | 31 Oct 2021

MANA is skyrocketing!! BAT flying high, what next?


Decentaland (MANA) have been growing tremendously in the past 2 day time frame .

The insane growth is just whopping more than 200%. This is quite a rally that is being seen in most of the crypto currencies from past week.

  • There might be a correction coming really soon in Decentaland (MANA) ,So better be prepared about that correction ,be aware of of your entry points don't rush into FOMO.

  • Basic Attention Token (BAT) also have shown more tha 55% upmove in the past 24 hours , but BAT is a quite stable coin to invest in and has huge upmove potential in coming days.


  • After a few days of uptrend Shiba Inu (SHIBA) shown correction and hagh higher probability of breaking last high this month .

  • Ethereum (ETH) blockchain is really a dime and we all are witnessing this , There's a lot of Upmove left in our beloved Ethereum token.

  • There's a lot to come this month in crypto World ,so stay tuned .


Wishing you luck with your investment.

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Be Healthy and Have a great day.


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SHIB 👉0xEc1bf6E130E9a994D62ECEFD7eE458ed90FE86a3
ETH 👉0xa53E9D110dE4157769314195eeFBb3807795194C
BTC 👉 3KrubHfiEHdMVckT3NFwz3S2Yzz7c89vh6

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