Ethereum(ETH) crashes upto 23%

By Jw1 | JW | 11 Jan 2021

Ethereum crashes upto 23%


Ethereum (ETH) the Queen of cryptocurrency market have shown a sharp upmove in the past few days but it cannot keep it for that long.

  • ETH started falling after there have been a downfall in the Bitcoin (BTC).

  • Ethereum is really a potential player in cryptocurrency world and has been showcasing tremendous returns to its investors.

  • Ethereum have shown a fall around 23%, first it has fallen a below $1200 and the it fell

    Further below $1150.

  • If Ethereum (ETH) would be able to keep itself above $1000, then there will be a fresh start and ETH will be above 1180 because the next resistance is at 1200.

  • But if Ethereum (ETH) falls below $1000 then it might go for $900 as a strong support lies there.

  • So, it's kind of at a good value right now to be a buy, cuz it'll move upwards shortly.

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