Bitcoin & Eth huge correction ( Analysis)

By Jw1 | JW | 22 Feb 2021

Huge Fall in Bitcoin and Ethereum:


There's a great fall we have witnessed today in the Cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin (BTC) & Ethereum (ETH) with cryptocurrencies have seen a retracement. This was really a sudden down move or dip that made people gasp in shock. 

  • Bitcoin (BTC) being showing a retracement of more than 15%, and wiping down its value around $10,000 in a matter of few hours. 

  • Bitcoin (BTC) did just made an all time high reaching above $50,000 and it has been rallying for quite a long time. 

  • An renowned cryptocurrency analyst cum a hedge fund manager had made this speculation alredy a week ago that Bitcoin (BTC) is going quite high, it should test its support levels. 

  • And there we are Bitcoin (BTC) retested its support levels and is now going for further upmove. 

  • This retracement in Bitcoin affected Ethereum (ETH) too, whuch went down more than 22% 

  • Which is really a huge number. 

  • Other Altcoins aso got severely hit by this move in Bitcoin (BTC). 

  • But the market is recovering now and actually, there's a hope for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) to go much higher after this correction. 

  • Be invested and accumulate on dips. These could your golden days for the right investment in cryptocurrency and it is in its booming stage right now. 


Have a great day ahead. 

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