Are Whales capturing NFT market!!

By Jw1 | JW | 28 Oct 2021

Whales are capturing NFT market!!


NFTs the new trend that is blowing up in the market from past few months have now picked up pace.
According to the leading crypto currency market analysts there's actually a lot going on in the NFT scenario behind the white curtains. It has been observed by the analysts that there's been huge buying and hodling of NFTs but that's not the point ,the point is that this buying comprises of the 83.67 % of the all the buys and it has been bought by the 11% of all the accounts existing on the Etherium (ETH) blockchain.

  • These reports are not based on the data by any centralised Application program Interfaces (APIs) or other 2nd Layer Networks but exclusively on the Etherium (ETH) blockchain .

  • This tells us how Big Whales are diving into capturing the market as there will be total dominance of them in this NFT game.

    As far as the concern of small or medium cap investors or we can say retail investors there's still some place to get their hands on this newly booming marketplace of NFTs.

  • As NFTs are easy to purchase there can be a huge upside for small investors to get their hands on this , as we know the distribution is quite uneven in NFTs but still there's opportunity lying for us retail investors.

    There's a lot of platforms available for having your hands into this NFT marketplace, A few of the leading ones are Opensea and Rarible

Have a great day ahead 

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