I Love Exchange Tokens …

I Love Exchange Tokens …


Hello My Friends; We are together after a long time. During this time period, I followed the cryptocurrency markets closely. I made changes and additions to my portfolio. I had pleasant days. I think more enjoyable days will come. I hope everything is going well for you. …

Let's come to the title of my article... Speaking for myself, I have made money from stock market tokens and I continue to make money...

In my article I published about a year ago; I mentioned exchange tokens. I even told you about Bitget exchange's token BGB $0.6. Click for the link of my article...

At the time I wrote my article, BGB was at $7... I converted some of the $6 into cash. X10 earnings... I participate and will participate in Launchpool and Poolx events with the remaining part. I will continue to Stake and earn passive income when there is no activity...

Yes, let's talk about the new exchange token that I have on my radar ...

HashKey Platform Token (HSK); It is the governance token of the HashKey exchange. At the time of writing my article, it is trading at $1.5. A newly developing stock market. Launchpool and staking features will improve over time. It is not investment advice. The decision is yours ...

We had a hard time understanding the NFT industry. Until I met the Bigint project... Thanks to this project, I learned about NFT and started to get to know the industry. Soon, Bigint will step into the industry by launching its NFTs. Bigint, which is on the Apechain network, will bring a different breath to the industry. You can review the roadmaps below.




A little foresight; If the NFT storm starts, I think it will be on the Apechain network. That's why I collect APE...

My Last Words; My friends, I hope the short and clear information I provided will help you. As I always say, “Listen to everyone. Decide for yourself…”

Luck does not help those who do not want to work.Sophocles


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