hello everyone
this is a weekend day, so please be open and try to see the world through other people's eyes.
I prepared a well known quote, but maybe there are buddies among us that are new and inexperienced and they should appreciate it.
We live these two situations almost day by day, and those are inevitable. In fact, we should be happy we live them, because a life without emotions is nothing. So, happiness and also, sadness, makes part from our lives, no doubt. What we need to know about that is how we live them. and how we separate our actions from our emotions.
First of all, the feelings should be tasted. This is what we will remember after years. What we should avoid to is what the quote says:
Don’t make decisions when you’re angry. Don’t make promises when you’re happy.
Indeed, when we are angry, we tend to take quick decisions and often, those are not containing our full judgement. In this case, we might be sorry later.
On the other side, when we are happy, we could make engagements by overestimating our power, ending in frustration or disappointment for our partners.
There were many cases like this and it should happened to you also. We are humans and it is normal to make mistakes. What is important is to make only for the smaller decisions and be moderate for the rest of them.
Some hindu wise words tell that we will meet the persons which are meant to be there, we will be in the place we should be but we cand add: we should take our actions after a deeper consideration and not be blinded by our emotions.
Look at this:
I am 100% convinced that Materazzi annoyed Zidane very much and provoked him for obtaining a red card and in this way, the French team lost a valuable team member and also was with one person less on the field.
Of course, many of us would be angry for what (I am sure) Materazzi said then if we were in the Zidane's place, but look and the big picture: the final score of the game was 1-1 (both, Materazzi and Zidane scored), but Italy won at penalties. We don't know how the end of the game could be if Zidane was remaining on the field, but if a small fact could have an avalanche effect, what about this elimination?
Implications in crypto
How is this applying to crypto? Very simple: look at the trading area: you can have a bad day by seeing a big dump of your coins and take a quick decision to sell them and buy others without studying the context: what were the causes of that price collapse, what could be the next move of the price, of the market, etc
Acting Out with Anger
It is not anger itself but what you do with anger that’s important. Once feelings of anger arise, traders may get caught up in the anger and act out unskillfully. A “revenge trade” may be placed, with the trader thinking, “I’ll show the market who’s the boss!” How often has that worked? You may oversize a position in frustration of what you are experiencing, or act out in other ways. Kicking the cat (who is, of course, innocent in all of this), throwing things, and spitting at the computer screen have all been reported by angry traders.
What we should do is taking a break and than, analyse the sentiment: locate the anger in our body (head, chest, hand, shoulder, etc) and determine how you feel it (hot, cold, numbness, tension, etc). After that note if the sensation is changing at his intensity, if it's fluctuating, growing or decreasing. Put a name of the most prominent sensation and deal with it. It may be awkward, but it will help you to focus on it and finally try to hold it like a mother have his child in the arms. Finally, you should accept as a human being with emotions that appears sometimes. The way how we live with them is the essence.
I hope I didn't bored you too much. Could be easy to explain, but very hard to apply. If you know you are very emotive, a way to avoid these feelings in trade could be the using of STOP LOSS orders - that means you accept from the actual level of the price a potential loss and if this could occur, then an automated order at a price you set will happen.
If you want to read more, you can do it here.
That's all for it. I don't want to make a long article. As I said before, the practice is the hard part, not the theory.