¿Is Worldcoin the currency of the future?

By JavierFinanzas | JavierWorld | 16 Aug 2023


Cordial greetings to the entire PublishOx community, this is my first article and what I am looking for is to surprise, and I have just come to tell you about a cryptocurrency that in my opinion can change the world, it is Worldcoin.

For those who don't know, Worldcoin was created by the same owner of OpenAi, Mr. Sam Altman, so far he is the only one who has revolutionized web 3 with Artificial Intelligence themes, perhaps we all have different points of view on how to This topic is developed, but I'm going to leave you my opinion.

Mr. Sam Altman, is nothing more than a strategist who is moving his pieces in chess, first he creates a free world artificial intelligence system where we all have access, the most popular is chatGpt, among others, which humanity sees every day more dependent on it, however, you have not realized that this is only the beginning of many innovative ideas that come later, let's imagine a world where it is dominated by AI, and if Mr. Altman occurs to monetize yes or if all your platforms with worldcoin, most of us would be forced to buy them just to use this technology.

It is a simple old strategy, give it a taste through a product that is good, after you manage to create a vice, start charging, the profits would be 3 times more prosperous, in my particular worldcoin is a futuristic currency that we should not leave out from our cryptocurrency portfolio, and it should be noted that it is not necessary to sell your iris through the orb, just buy it and put it to produce in your favorite exchange.

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