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How to make passive income from your computer

How to make passive income from your computer

In today's article we are going to cover a topic I'm sure many of you would like to get some insight on. So I thought I would list some of the best resources I use from my computer to generate some of my passive income. Now I do use all of these resources to make and generate my passive income so you can rest assured that they are legit. Many of these options payout in different ways so not all will be straight money some might be gift cards and some might be cryptocurrencies. However, it is still worth money and most of these options have a huge selection of gift cards to choose from so you are not limited. With that all out the way now we can get into the blog post.     

Crypto mining

This is probably one of the best ways to make fast free easy passive income from your computer. All you need is crypto mining software and from there you choose what coins to mine you just need to make sure they're within the specs of your computer. One of the easiest mining software's to use is unminable and what is so great about this mining software is you don't need any spec requirements to mine any of these coins. If you want to read more about this crypto mining software then you can read my blog on it using the link provided for you. However, if you use other mining software you will need certain GPUs to mine coins such as Ethereum and many other altcoins. However, if you have a great rig or GPUS you can expect to make a decent amount of money from mining especially if it's a low market cap hidden gem.    AVvXsEjLNNHd4XP3dwAMe2TzEQkCPME_BIuKasqtz0OfjNJ3pUqWBb8yhteGAhuHxtpTpkbkiho_9_jhYQgK1ibBedjkUd69GxIpCHgR8M32VNYgjieVJdsKOZuR0RLtgLTsgDihdMDSg-FOJUVJWoMR2ryz0uUgyzDnD1DL3lXJ1UJ3cxF7kWC424LDsOs

 Selling your Internet

Now selling your internet is something that can be done if you have a good internet connection and speed or don't mind some interruptions if you have slow speeds. Although having fast internet also allows you to make even more money from selling your internet and prevents interruption while selling it. There are many applications you can use to start selling your internet and making money from it. One of the most famous is honey gain they allow you to be paid out in cash or bitcoin if you like. They are probably the best paying one too as that's the one I have earned to most from. You can sign up for the app using the link below and when you sign up using the link below you get a free 5 dollars on your honey gain account. Then there are the other apps like packet stream, peer2profit, and IP royale that you can use altogether to make money. I will say however if you use all these apps together at once that you'll internet will most likely slow down extremely slow. You can also sign up for these services using the links below.    Honeygain: (has a mobile app) IProyale: (has a mobile app) Packetstreams: Peer2profit: (has a mobile app) AVvXsEhtcp9nDwBxQGsdj3OxrU2J7oc8ShDMDu28sMXGSU2cWtDIVkfamJf4ZvfRwShegKFX4ya5UCcUIcB_KRR-0z8TOJf6bn1E64FTpF929m5zQknMuIlgLu1irOMyxONUn9QiHwpKBhkC6ePsKR5O8OZ3QIrK8_0Kosoh-9uI4nl-uLzwxWHY5sFtzMI

Browsers and extensions

I'm sure it's likely that most of my readers are either reading using chrome, edge, or your default phone browser to search things online. But what if I told you that you could start earning cryptocurrency from using your browser and even for not using it if you download it on mobile. This browser is called brave and it earns you Basic attention tokens from using the browser and allowing the browser to show you ads. It's a great way to make money from something you going to use regardless. If you don't want to switch browsers then You can still earn from using chrome through its extensions. There are many extensions you can use to earn yourself some passive income but I'm just going to mention the 2 main ones I use to earn.   First I'm going to cover the reklaim app/extension since this is my favorite one to use. The reason why it's my favorite is very simple it's simply because you literally have to do nothing to earn from this app. All you have to do is connect some accounts and devices to your reklaim account and bam you start earning weekly. You can sign up for reklaim using the link I have provided for you below. The second extension I use is called upvoice. All you simply have to do on this app to earn is scroll through social media on your computer. This can be from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to even amazon. Although there is a limit to how much you can earn a day its's still a pretty high limit and you can still earn yourself lots of rewards.       reklaim:  



My Final Words     

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I am a blogger dedicated to writing about passive income and crypto and just making money online in general

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Jack's Passive Income and Online Blog

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