
By Irma | irma love photography | 28 Jul 2020

Now the sun is sinking
In the golden west;
Birds and bees and children
All have gone to rest;
And the merry streamlet,
As it runs along,
With a voice of sweetness
Sings its evening song.

Cowslip, daisy, violet,
In their little beds,
All among the grasses
Hide their heavy heads;
There they'll all, sweet darlings,
Lie in the happy dreams.
Till the rosy morning
Wakes them with its beams.

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Not a big traveller, nature lover, not a unicorn feeder, day time- mum of two, night- dreamer

irma love photography
irma love photography

Not a big traveler, nature lover, not a unicorn feeder. Day time - mum of two, night - dream chaser.

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