The Vanishing Villages: A Healthcare Crisis Unveiled

By Bhatt_G | Bhattg | 24 Oct 2023

Nowadays many villages are becoming vacant and this has been happening for many years. There are many reasons for this but some of the main reasons are lack of roads, lack of good education and lack of good hospitals. Most of the people have left their villages and properties worth crores (millions) are lying homeless and no one is going to return there. And in many places, people have left their homes due to wild animals because no one lives in the neighborhood of their address, so it becomes very difficult to live alone.

My village is at a distance of about 50 kilometers from my house. Yes, it hardly takes 2 hours to reach there, but believe me, it has been 2 years, I have not gone to the village yet. Sometimes I have to go only for some special functions, my parents keep going. Now the road has reached there but the condition of the hospitals is still the same. Every week someone from the village keeps coming here because they have to show themselves or someone to the hospital here. Earlier, more people used to come, but now many people's children or they themselves come to the village. Since they have left, the number of people coming and going is not that much but still many people still come.

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To tell you the truth, the hospital system is not that good, the doctors are very careless and sometimes even the patients lose their lives. Some doctors just want to perform operations to make their career; sometimes they don't even care whether patient will prevent the operation or not. For them patients are just a toy and it seems as if life has no importance for them. I know many such cases happen when patients die in hospitals and it is very sad to see this.

When the doctor feels that the matter is not in his hands then he directly refers him to the next city and it takes at least 3 hours of travel to reach the next city if all the roads are safe. If it rains in the mountains, then it is common for the road to break down. Yes, there are many hospitals here too, but in the name of treatment, it is the same where even if treatment is done, the patients are charged exorbitant prices. Now that people are gone, who used to fell in there traps, yet if any emergency person ever comes then the hospitals are in trouble. I am not saying that everyone is like this, I have seen such a thing many times, it seems very strange and scary too.

Some doctors have opened their own clinics and also provide good treatment there, perhaps that is why their clinics are a little more famous. There are some doctors who serve people without any greed but such are rarely seen, nowadays everyone is just concerned about filling their own pockets. In just a few years, so many small clinics and diagnosis centers have opened that one does not even know what is where. There are some big hospitals but proper treatment is not available in any of them. If you want to get proper treatment then You have to go out and getting treatment outside is not within everyone's reach.



Firstly, there is a lot of expenditure in traveling and if you do not have any acquaintances, then arranging accommodation and going to an unknown city seems quite difficult, that is why many people are afraid of even treating themselves because of the expense involved. Too much comes. Yes, it is our fault too because most of the people do not get health insurance done and they do not even know anything about it. Private hospitals also take advantage of this and even where health insurance is provided, the companies are very rude while making the claim. Also shows tantrums. Not everyone is aware of the hospital system, hence many hospitals and doctors take advantage of this and charge exorbitant fees from the patients and loot who knows how much money in the name of medicines.

Yes, new doctors keep coming and going, many doctors are good and soon become famous and after some time they open their own clinics and it continues like this. There is no harm in this or it is a good thing, if that doctor has looked after his patient with full honesty and with all his heart, then what can be better than this. Yes, everyone has to feed themselves and run their house as well, for that they also have to get money. But everything is good only up to a limit, it is not good to misuse anything too much. Doctors are considered like God, it does not mean that they are God, many doctors think it is good, there is pride in this, but everyone's day comes and even if they loot from the patients and take their home. They are walking but in their heart they too must be feeling bad at some point or the other. What are your thoughts about this?

see you in the next post, till then Keep learning and keep exploring...

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