By Seven-NATE-Nine | Invest with Nate | 14 May 2021

Coinbase Earn is offering $3 for Skale (SKL). 


Below I’ve listed the questions and answers to the Skale quiz so you won’t have to worry about a thing! 

1. Who can deploy a blockchain with SKALE?

-Any Ethereum application


2. How can SKL holders receive rewards?

- Delegate SKL to a validator



3. The SKALE network is built to support…

- An internet of blockchains



And that’s it! Now go and take that $3 in free crypto and turn it into $6! Then $12, $25 and beyond! Good luck and hope you all have a great weekend!

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If you don’t already have a Coinbase account then I recommend you create one as soon as you can! I wrote an entire post about why I feel everyone should have a Coinbase account. I invite you to use my Coinbase referral so you can get $10 in free Bitcoin and earn up to $40 in other cryptocurrencies

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Also, if you would like to earn Cryptocurrency just by reading articles and playing mini games, please check out my posts below!

Easily Earn Cryptocurrency by Reading

Easily Earn Cryptocurrency by Playing Games

Feel free to use my referral link if you decide to create a Robinhood account so you can get THREE free stocks!

*Disclaimer- I am not a certified financial planner/advisor, certified financial analyst, economist, CPA, accountant, or lawyer, or anything important for that matter. The contents of this article are for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only and do not constitute financial, accounting, or legal advice. Always do your own research.*

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Crypto Enthusiast and Aspiring Day Trader. Also Passionate about Family, Love, Life, Movies and Video Games. And Pets.

Invest with Nate
Invest with Nate

Who doesn’t like free money? I enjoy finding ways to earn extra money, whether it’s through gift cards, stocks, or cryptocurrency, with little to no risk. I am by no means a financial advisor. I will only discuss what I have experienced personally and have found successful and worthwhile. Feel free to follow along and maybe you’ll benefit in one way or another!

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