As Bitcoin Heads to $14,000 Now is the Time to Accumulate Cryptocurrency

As Bitcoin Heads to $14,000 Now is the Time to Accumulate Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin has had a rocky run since 2018,.and is finally showing a broad market recovery and the seeds of a bull market have been sown.  As Bitcoin rockets to $14,000 after busting it's $12,000 resistance level, now is the time to accumulate both Bitcoin and the altcoins.

Bitcoin has maintained its >50% dominance in the cryptocurrency market after more than doubling in price 2019 YTD.  The cryprocurrency marketcap has followed suit to $350 billion, off of an ATH of $850 billion in Q4 2017.  There is alot of room to grow.

Altcoins including Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Ethereum are up big since last week, with each posting double digit green.

Now is the time to accumulate before the Bitcoin golden cross pattern emerges.  Coins including Lumens and Ripple's XRP are still poised to pop.  The crowd favorite, EOS is still sitting below $7, and looks like a good value pick.  My favorite coin, STEEM, has been stuck at $0.4, but has moved up slightly.

As Bitcoin rises, investors sell altcoins to participate in the rally.  After a golden cross, there is a Bitcoin selling and then investors target undervalued altcoins.  Now is the time to scoop up your favorite blue-chip altcoins before they run.  I would recommend accumulating both altcoins and Bitcoin to maximize your gains.


Picture from Pixabay.




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