
Best Websites / Apps / Social Media NEEDS!!!

By inconspicuous | Helpful Crypto | 5 Mar 2022

Here I'm going to tell you about some of the essentials when starting your journey into the crypto world.
Lets get right into it...






TradingView is a charting platform that gives you the tools to help with your own technical analysis. It is FREE to use and comes with many built in indicators to help you get started.

If you struggle to get your head around all the features in TradingView don't worry, YouTube has many different videos that will educate you to give you a better understanding of how everything works.

Here is a basic example of what it looks like.


This is BTC/USD on the 1 week Time frame. Below the chart is the MACD (moving average convergence/divergence) and directly below that is the RSI (relative strength index) and Stochastic RSI built together. 

On the far right side is where you can put all your charts into one place. Its important to order everything so you can easily find all your charts without loosing or having to search for them. The Top Left is where your timeframes will be and on the Left side you will find all the tools you'll need to get you charting.

TradingView isn't just about charting. You can find the education sections within TradingView and learn from others as well as TradingView themselves making their own educational content.






YouTube has an absolute abundance of information on there. This is the place you will find 10 minute to 3 hour videos on anything from how to start with Technical Analysis, how to do your own research when it comes to Fundamental Analysis, how to use Technical Indicators on TradingView, how to understand the candle sticks, what patterns can indicate and many more.

There is so much information on YouTube but there is also people on there that have no idea what they are on about so here is a list of people that I like to follow. 



Benjamin Cowen



I myself 100% recommend these channels if your getting started, even if you've been in the space for a while and haven't heard of them. DataDash being the channel I recommend the most.




The Crypto market is non-stop and unlike the stock market, crypto currencies are available to trade 24/7 so you will need a place where you'll be able to keep up with it all. Let me introduce to you CoinMarketCap, like TradingView, CoinMarketCap also gives you access to live real time data.

CoinMarketCap gives you live real time price action of 1000's of Crypto currencies but there's many features that CoinMarketCap can offer, you can even EARN FREE Crypto via their Learn section.


This table shows many different cryptocurrencies in order of highest market cap. It gives you insight on the price they are, the 24hour and 7day percentage change. Its very helpful for giving you an idea of the overall market. 

More information is available when selecting the currency that you want to know more about.

Here you will fine more information on your selected crypto. You will be able to read more about the cryptos background, when it was established and information on the founders. It will give you highlighted information on the basics of the white paper and better statistics than on the market cap table.


Learn and Earn

Here is where you can increase your knowledge in crypto, how they run, work and how they come up with solutions to real world problems.

First you will want to select the crypto you would like to learn about. Note that on some you will not be able to earn as these are timed events, you will still able able to learn about any of the cryptos regardless.



You will be taken to a page that will give you information and show you educational videos on the current crypto you are learning about. Its best to get a pen and paper for this as you will then be taking a Quiz on what you have learnt so you can better retain the information. After completing the Quiz you'll earn your free tokens.






Twitter is a Free University, a Wikipedia of information (Not just crypto) A place where you can follow people who have been in the crypto space for years. These people can put out information that can make your life a whole lot easier. That being said, its important that you don't just follow anyone who looks the part. Like YouTube, there's many people on there that also have absolutely no idea what they're talking about, so finding the right people can be tricky. 

You can find threads from trading strategies used by professionals, tips and tricks on understanding the market, common mistakes you should avoid that professional have made themselves and mental and emotional strategies to help you become better.

Its also a great place to follow people who themselves are in the industry and you can get news about what they're doing before it even hits the mainstream media.


I hope you've enjoyed this little article and I hope your journey is smooth sailing.


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