Walk And Earn Crypto "Sweatcoin" - Health Equals Money

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 28 Aug 2019

What if I tell you, you can actually earn Cryptocoin by simply turning on an app when you're walking.



GPS will detect the number of your steps versus distance and will reward you points.This points can be traded or you can use them to purchase on the site's marketplace.

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As there website says, and I quote, "Sweatcoin is a new breed of step counter and activity tracker app that pays you digital currency - sweat coin – for your steps to spend on gadgets, sports kit, fitness training, healthy nutrition and much much more".

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Use my referral code below. I will earn few sweat-coins too if you use my referral code. Right now, I am saving for a television.



Before you download the app please check out first if your country is eligible for this.




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@PajeeBear at Cent.co is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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