Ouo.io - URL Shortener That Pays.

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 14 Jun 2019

I only came to know about shorterner because its very rampant when claiming coins thru faucets.


For now I only use this platform to do shortlinks and earn money.

Only need to shorten URL and get's paid by every person who visits or views the URLs gets.

Signing up is really easy and you just have go on to their website.



You can also use my referral link in which I would appreciate very much.



The site also counts several views from the one person in which case could give us an edge from the traffic we are getting per click.The interface is userfriendly and simple too.

Payment rates depend on where you are from (nation|) and pays thru know intermediarries such as Paypal and Payza.

If you think this is something that tickles your curiousity. Don't hesitate to sign up and learn more about it.



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@PajeeBear at Cent.co is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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