Iflix - Watch Movies And TV Series For Free

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 17 Jun 2019

Don't have the money to buy Netflix subscription? Try This!

I know, you might be asking why I'm posting this when it's not income earning site. We'll think of it as a money saving site. For now, there's a way to work around watching movies for free. Why not take that opportunity? Again this may not be a money earning site but sure it is a money saving site as you can now watch movies without renting or subscribing to paid websites. Read on to know more.

Here let me guide you how to get iflix subscription that lasts. No, I'm not kidding. This is for real.

First you need to create Temporary disposable email account use this website. Or any other disposable email website. The below is just my suggestion.


Now that you have a temporary email. Copy and paste it on the iflix website. Notate your name (it could be a pseudonym ) and create your password. You can save the log in to your browser this way you don't have to remember what those were. Anyway those credentials are only good for 30 days free.


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Again the VIP access is free for 30 days only. So what you do after 30 days is that you create a new account. No worries you only have to follow the same process. Create a temporary email, log it in and then VOILA... Say goodbye to monthly subscription? Well in any case try this while it is still doable.

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Just to set proper expectation:

  1. The movies may not be the latest.

  2. There are lots of Asian Movies and TV Series.

Hey what's the fuss you got yourself a free subscription already. Now get it connected to your television and enjoy it with friends and families.



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@PajeeBear at Cent.co is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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