GENER8 - Market Place Is Almost Up For Everyone

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 24 Jul 2019

If you haven't heard about Gener8 then today you have know more about it. Earn tokens by simply doing nothing. Those annoying pop ads will passively proven you a cash flow.


The marketplace is already up for few selected folks in UK and they will soon launch the marketplace worldwide.

Read more about Gener8 in my Publish0x blog using this link below

If interested to get Gener8, you may use my referral link :


Here are some FaQ's of Gener8 :

Which Browsers is Gener8 available on?

- Gener8 is available to use on Firefox and Chrome now. Safari is planned to launch very soon.


Can I use Gener8 on different computers?

- Yes. Make sure login to your account though!


How do I use Gener8?

- First you need to install it onto your browser. You can install Gener8 directly from our website (scroll up). Once installed you can enter your preferences and you will Gener8 money every time you see an advert.


What are Gener8 Tokens?

Every time you see an advert you receive Gener8 tokens. Tokens are a representation of money and they have monetary value. Tokens will collect in your account until you decide to exchange them into pounds.


How much are my tokens worth?

Tokens are a representation of money. Once we set our exchange rate, you will be able to go to the “wallet” within your account and click on “Exchange tokens to Pounds” in order to see how much money you have gener8ed.


When can I cash out or donate to charity?

Once we have set the token exchange rate we will enable you to cash out or donate to charity. This is a simple process that you can do from your “wallet” within your account.


Who owns my data?

You do. You own your data at all times. Gener8 is only acting to match your interests with the ads that you see. When you delete your account we delete your data.


What does Gener8 do with the preferences that I enter?

 Advertisers pay more to show you adverts that you are interested in. We use your preferences to match the ads you see with the ones that we think you will be most interested in.


How can I earn tokens quicker?

Complete your preferences to earn tokens at a faster rate. You're also given extra tokens for each friend you invite.


Can I use Gener8 on my phone or tablet?

We're working hard to bring Gener8 to your mobile and tablet. For the time being you can use us on any desktop device (laptop / computer, etc).




Original Content

@PajeeBear at is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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