FreeBCC - Claim and Convert Tokens To CrytoCurrencies

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 14 Jun 2019

While Firefaucet is my favorite faucet site. I also have other claim site I visit.

And since fire faucet is still trying to replenish their money I opted to focus more on this one called "FreeBCC".


It is a very simple platform.

In fact it is a lot simplier than firefaucet. All there is to do is sign up and claim. You have the option to withdraw the tokens right away. Withdrawal will be sent to your , and this is why I kept promoting site as it is very crucial to most faucet withdrawals.

If you haven't read my artile about faucethub then this is the link to help you.

To create a FreeBCC account, I encourage you to click this referral link.


Once done creating your account you only have to click the claims option in your profile. As shown below.


There could be captcha's available to solve. This could only take few minutes anyways.

Cheer Up for those who are waiting for firefaucet. There is alternative while waiting and this is the right time for a new faucet adventure.



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@PajeeBear at is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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