Fautsy - Earn Free Satoshi Every 5 Minutes

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 13 Jun 2019

Bored? Here's one of way to be productive.


But before you continue I hope you already read my post about faucethub.io, because the satoshis you will earn from starbits.io will be automatically transferred to your microwallet which is faucethub.io

If you haven't read that post yet then here's the link for your convenience.


Going back to Fautsy. The process is the same as starbits.io which I posted about yesterday.


Although while starbits will let you wait 6 minutes fautsy will only take 5 minutes. So you will have better claims in 60 minutes you have the 30 chances to gain satoshi's.

This will curb your boredom and in return earn you some legit btc satoshis.

Just click this link below.



I'll guide you with a screnshot. A very simple one.


Just do the simple captcha.



Then claim the reward. You will received the satoshis directly to your faucethub.io account. Right away!



Enjoy! Now you have one option to curb boredom in the office or at home.




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@PajeeBear at Cent.co is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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