Faucethub.io - Recommended Crypto Microwallet To Save And Earn

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 7 Jun 2019

I have already promoted faucethub.io in every platform I'm in. This is because the site has done a very good influence to me in my crypto world journey.


Come, join me and sign up for free here :

For the newbies who know nothing about crytocurrencies, this is the site for you. For the experts who want to have passive income this is the site for you.

Yes let me make this clear.The first thing that you may want to know about the site is if the site is paying. And the answer is DEFINITELY Yes, they are.You can receive instant bitcoin and other crypto currencies in your faucethub.io account and withdraw to your personal wallet with VERY low fee!

Faucet users will have to do micro tasks and get micropayments, and faucet owners can have as many faucets as they want. Apart from Faucets, users can also do crypto currency exchange through the site at a trade fee of 0.5%.

Let me list the reasons why I want you to join me with faucethub.io :

1. Bitcoin and Altcoin faucets

- You can check legit faucet sites to earn bitcoin and altcoins.

2. Games

- Lottery, if you're lucky enough you might win big. If you ask me, I haven't won yet. LoL.

3. Gambling

- Rambo Dice Hi-Lo Dice Game. I am a high stake gambler and big time risk taker. And yes I've won big time in here about 5 dollars in  BTC value, although I only use the DogeCoin to bet. That's how I earned a lot of DOGECoin.

4. Paid To Click and Offers

- Surveys, advertisement views will give you cryptocoins as payments. I do the surveys whenever I have extra time.

5. Crypto Mining

- They are mining Monero using your hash power and you will be paid by BTC. I've done this myself, the payment is not big but they pay. I don't recommend doing this if you have a slow computer.

6. Micro Coin Wallet

- This is the biggest reason I joined faucethub. I access a lot of faucets and auto faucets and they only pay thru faucethub.io so If you want to earn money, btc or altcoin using faucets I highly recommend that you join faucethub.io now.

7. Exchange

- Trade Crypto with other members. This is easy in fact I usually trade my bitcoin cash to etherium this way.

8. Crypto News

- Latest Bitcoin and Altcoin news available.

9. Onsite Forum and Coin Rain

- Friendly helpful people on the chat room plus the rain bonus every 15 or 30 minutes. Which will give you random amount of bitcoin or altcoin.

There I have laid out the reasons why I joined faucethub.io If you think this article ticles the curiosity in you don't hesitate to join. Comment your thoughts and ask me your doubts.


My referral link is available below :



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@PajeeBear at Cent.co is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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