I recently signed up for a cloudmining platform called Cow Dollars. People in my circle have been talking relentlessly about it. So I wanted to see it for myself and check if it's legit or not.
So far the site has been going good since I started. Here are my reviews about it.
1. You have to ensure you check back and save your mined btc or else it would be lost.
2. The mininum withdrawal amount is 600000 satoshis which is quite high. As of this writing the value in USD is about $48.95 This could take awhile to achieve.
Pros :
1. Obviously the mining operation runs thru the cloud so it wouldn't really affect overall usage and operation of your cpu.
2. The referral bonus is available for 10 downlines. Meaning the person who is referred by the your direct referral will still contribute to your overall satoshi bonus.
3. It's really simple, just one click away while you are doing other task.
I'd like to invite you to join me in mining some BTC.
Click here to sign up :
Original Content
@PajeeBear at Cent.co is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x