Are You Brave Enough To Switch?

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 13 Aug 2019

I am and I just did.

This bears the question, "Was it worth the leap?". The answer is yes. My Brave discovery was by chance and hence I should call it serendipity. Let me tell you a quick story. One day I was out surfing the web. Lurking, hodling and waiting in the sidelines of the Crypto space for a huge wave to ride. As usual, I open chrome, had to deal with the intermittent lags due to pop-ups that seems to take up the amount of data transfer from the web I'm checking. Crypto enthusiast like me had to deal with some of this specially if you are the kind that lurks in auto-faucets and cloud mining.

I am only familiar with few browsers, IE and Edge from MS, both are not fast enough to satisfy my needs. And so I downloaded and tried Firefox and Chrome. Firefox keeps on bugging me about update and more updates so I discarded and only used Chrome for a long time. You know the feeling when you have been using something for a long time, the wait time and lag time has the air of familiarity and you get used to it. Complaining is just seem all too familiar on a daily basis but nothing really changes except new adds popping up. It's like you've been married to a nagger who keeps on bugging you to check this pop and check this advertisement.

As time goes by you just lost interest in fixing it and just go with the flow. So while you were out strolling into the vast space of internet you bump into someone you never thought could make you feel better. And there she was, a stunning new red orange and white colors, the brave lioness waiting for you to click and install.I had the hesitation to install a new browser. It's like meeting the tide of my life but I'm afraid to take my board to surf the waves. I guess I just need to be Brave.

If you are reading this article, you probably have read dozens of Brave related browser contents. Telling you all over again, what's in it for you would probably bore you to read further. So let me introduced being BRAVE in layman's term compared to other browsers.

5 Critical Points To Be Brave :
1. It's Free to download.
2. Ultimately quicker reachability to websites.
3. Crypto Wallet integration with BAT currency. Opportunity to Earn.
4. Secured, Built-in anti Ad and Blocking tracker option.
5. Chrome's extensions still works.

The following shots were taken while I was out surfing the wave using Chrome and compared it to while I was surfing with Brave. Check out my favorite Surfing Area "" using both browsers.

Chrome Browser :


Brave Browser :



Using Brave as my browser is like getting out of the comfort zone. You gotta be Brave to cross the line. Get away from mediocrity and start surfing big waves online.

"Long Live the Brave. Long may live, "The King of Online Jungle !"


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