Warren Buffett Continues to Refuse to Open His Eyes to Bitcoin Saying He Wouldn't Pay $25 For All The Bitcoin In The World.

By ssaurel | In Bitcoin We Trust | 8 Mar 2024

The price of Bitcoin has just broken a new ATH at $69.1K.

The price of Bitcoin is now around $67K.

The best is yet to come for Bitcoin with the fourth Bitcoin Halving expected in around forty days.

However, one of the historical opponents of Bitcoin continues to refuse to open his eyes.

I named Warren Buffett.

Warren Buffett Says He Wouldn’t Pay $25 For All The Bitcoin In The World. Warren Buffett Considers Bitcoin and generally Cryptocurrencies as ‘Rat Poison’.

Warren Buffett warns:

“I Can Say With Almost Certainty That They Will Come To A Bad Ending”.

You can make the mistake of taking Warren Buffett’s word for it or think for yourself.

In my opinion, you would do well to think for yourself, because a few months ago, Warren Buffett revealed why he hated Bitcoin.

And this has everything to do with two human feelings that lead so many people to their downfall: envy and jealousy.

Here’s what Warren Buffett said at the time about why he wasn’t buying Bitcoin:

“I don’t know how to turn back the clock on Bitcoin.”

What drives Warren Buffett crazy is not that Bitcoin is a scam, but that he does not want to pay the price of $67K for his Bitcoin.

Warren Buffett can’t bear to arrive later than those who understood Bitcoin before him.

Warren Buffett made the classic mistake that is still holding back so many people in 2024.

In my opinion, you need to stop looking at the past. You can’t change the past. On the other hand, by focusing on the present, you can change your future for the better with Bitcoin.

You will do like everyone else: you will pay for your Bitcoin at the price you deserve.

This is how it is and there is no privilege with Bitcoin. This is why Warren Buffett does not support Bitcoin. It is an open and transparent system that gives the same opportunities to everyone.

However, Warren Buffett has advantages within the current system that he will never have within the Bitcoin system.

Don’t make the same mistake as Warren Buffett!

Enjoy my Bitcoin content on TikTok.

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ssaurel Verified Member

Entrepreneur / Developer / Blogger / Author.

In Bitcoin We Trust
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